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instead of_instead of

时间:2022-06-27 07:01 阅读数:6069人阅读

双语说河南|中国(郑州)重要国际邮件枢纽口岸业务正式开通Aceremony marking the official launch of China (Zhengzhou) International Mail Hub was held on the morning of May 26 in Zhengzhou, meaning that inbound mails to Henan and its surrounding areas can be cleared and distributed in Zhengzhou hereafter, instead of in Beijing, Shanghai and Gu...


那些超级伤人心的句子,毕竟世界总是在逼着我们长大1.与其期盼着你的下个假期什么时候来临,不如开始一种你不需要逃避的生活。Instead of looking forward to your next vacation, start a life you don't need to avoid.2.我们用初中三年去盼望高中三年,我们用高中三年去憧憬大学四年,而用大学四年去怀念中学六年,最终用我们的一生去祭奠我们...


高通骁龙发文警示:手机制造商正在自研芯片取代骁龙推特原文为“We've decided to make our own smartphone SoC instead of using Snapdragon”(我们决定研发自己的智能手机芯片以取代使用骁龙)。这句话暗示现在不少智能手机厂商都在自研芯片,而不再继续使用骁龙芯片。最近的一个例子就是谷歌即将推出的Pixel6和Pixel6 Pro智能...


ˇωˇ 霸气高冷有个性的句子,愿你爱得炽热,走得洒脱instead of experiencing long-term things with the new people, and then repeat the same mistakes. 3、当一束光突然照进黑暗,那这束光就有罪。When a beam of light suddenly shines into the darkness, that beam of light is sinful. 4、我会难过,我会瞎想,但我不会问,不想说。 I will be sad, I wi...


小学英语双语作文,家长辅导英语写作练习,《钓鱼》Fishing钓鱼My daddy’s favorite sport is fishing.我爸爸最喜欢的运动是钓鱼。He often goes fishing on weekends.周末他常常在去钓鱼。He always fishes for many hours without any fish.但他却总是一连好几个小时钓不到一条鱼。But it does not worry him.但他并不气馁。Instead of fish, h...


“贼虐心”的英文空间句子,句句干净走心到极致,未成年傻孩子勿进4、Not to pay, to know not overdo sth.得不到的付出,要懂得适可而止。 5、Start beautiful, tiring process, the end is very sad, sober difficult. 开始很美,过程很累,结局很悲,清醒很难。 6、I wanted to tell you all my secrets, but you became one of them instead 曾经,我想和你分享我的所有秘密...


「听&读」戴维是独自一人★ 第5章 ★It was a cold night, so I could not sit down to rest. Instead, I walked up and down on the beach, trying to keep warm. There was no sound except the crash of the waves. I felt very lonely and afraid.晚上很冷,所以我不能坐下来休息。反之,我在沙滩上走来走去,以试着保暖。除了波涛...


疫苗为什么打在胳膊上?原因没有你想的那么简单! Here's the reason ...Hundreds of millions have rolled up their sleeves for the COVID-19 vaccine, but why haven"t they rolled up their pants legs instead? Why do we get most shots in our arms? What"s the science behind why we get most vaccines in our arm? 数以亿计的人已经接种了新冠疫苗,为什么打疫苗都是...


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